Domain Auction
Today: March 28, 2025
Moscow time: 06:39:14


In addition to its attractive name, a domain with "history" may have a number of properties increasing its value.

Such properties include, e.g., characteristics of web-resource (site) with corresponding domain name in search engines, web-resource availability in popular Internet catalogs, web-resource traffic ranking, domain name utilization in other TLDs, domain registration date, etc.

A detailed analysis of the wide range of indexes need to be performed to assess the domain attractiveness from the viewpoint of such properties.

Some indexes (so called RATINGS) are published by RU-CENTER as additional information on domains:

RU-CENTER receives RATINGS from open sources and publishes this information without any change, exactly in the form in which it was available as of the moment of data collection.

When assessing the domain attractiveness, we recommend you to perform individually an additional comprehensive analysis of the provided information to make sure that the mentioned indexes are accurate and up-to-date.

Click on the corresponding rating factor to get a link to a specific source of information.

After purchasing a domain name by you the value of indexes may change considerably. Consequently, RU-CENTER is not liable for probable losses incurred due to your decision to purchase a domain name based on RATINGS indexes.

"Domain Registration Date" INDEX

"Domain registration date" index fully matches the field "created" in the information on WHOIS service domain.
The index values shall be presented in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY - year, MM - month, DD - date. The date shall correspond to the domain registration date in the Domain name registry and shall not change at the domain registration renewal. If due to any reason the domain had been released from the Registry and re-registered, in this case the field value is changed to the date of new registration.

"Other TLDs" Index

The index allows to determine the extent of popularity of the given domain name from the viewpoint of registration in various top-level domains (gTLD and ccTLD). The name availability is checked in the following top-level domains: .ORG, .NET, .COM, .INFO, .BIZ, .RU, .SU. The check result is presented as "x of 7", where x is the number of top-level domains where the given domain name is registered.

Documents Ranking Index in Alexa System (Alexa Trafic Rank)

Alexa Trafic Rank is an index showing the traffic at the web-resource with the corresponding domain name by Internet users who have Alexa Toolbar installed. This parameter provides for making assessment of the web-site traffic.

The index value is calculated according to the averaged values of page viewing and the number of page visitors. The less is the index value, the more is the site home page traffic.

Yandex Thematic Index of Citing (TIC)

Yandex search engine is the leading one in Russia.

From the Yandex viewpoint, thematic index of citing (TIC) should be one of the basic web-site characteristics. According to Yandex it reads as follows:

"Our thematic index of citing (TIC) determines "priority" of Internet resources taking into account quality characteristics of links on them from other web-sites. We name such quality-proving characteristic as the "weight" of the reference. It is calculated according to a dedicated algorithm. In this respect, subject affinity of the resource and links provided by other web-sites are of importance. The number of references to the source, by itself, also makes an influence to its TIC, however, TIC is determined not by the quantity of links (references) but by the total of their weights.

TIC as a source for determining the resources priority shall ensure relevancy of the resources location in Yandex catalog headers".

TIC is recalculated twice a month. During this time period some sites come into existence, while the other ones disappear. Consequently, the link weights change and the resource TIC changes: therefore, TIC value may change or even come to zero.


  1. Citation index, 2007

Page RankTM System for a Web-Site Home Page in Google Search Engine

The Page Rank patented algorithm is used to determine "importance" of a web-page. PR calculation takes into account the number of links from other pages to this one.

PR calculation is an iteration process. PR update time is called "Google dance".

Importance of this parameter for assessing a domain "attractiveness" is determined by the fact that Google is the most popular search engine in the world and, consequently, it is the main supplier of web-site-information to readers/viewers.

More details can be viewed at:

  1. Patent N-6,285,999

"RESOURCE IN Yandex.Catalog" INDEX

Yandex.Catalog is the database of Russian Internet sites (located in which has been manually selected by the catalog editors and systemized according to thematic categories.

"Registration in Yandex.Catalog" is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic on your web-resource".

"Resource in Yandex.Catalog" index is used to determine availability of a web-resource with corresponding domain name in one of Yandex.Catalog subject headings.

More details can be viewed at.:

  1. About Yandex.Catalog


This index shows availability (in the archive "") of sites which have been located in the domain at different time periods.

The index allows viewing topics and content of sites for which the domain was used.

More details can be viewed at:

  1. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine